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How to Deal with Racism

Dealing with racism can be hard, but there are many steps to take to overcome discrimination and actively fight against injustice. Here are some steps to help you respond to racism.


  • Recognize the racist remarks. Consult with trustworthy advisors if you're not sure if a statement is racist but it has made you feel uncomfortable.
  • Understand the power of your own response. Think about the consequences of your reaction before responding. Depending on the severity of the situation, your reaction might need to be decisive and swift in order to protect yourself or protect others.
  • Choose non-confrontational strategies when possible. If possible, it might be more effective to diffuse a situation and move away from it, rather than responding to it directly.
  • If you choose to start a dialogue, it can help to ask open-ended questions that don't target the person directly and allows them to open up. However, it's important to remember that some people will not be open to dialogue and your safety should always be your priority.
  • Tactfully explain the impact of their remarks. Explain to the person why you are offended or upset, and acknowledge their feelings while validating your own.
  • Engage with your larger community. Educate your friends, family, and community about racism and the effects it has. Call out discrimination and injustice when you see it happening. Consider joining or starting an anti-racism group in your area.
  • Name the racism to counteract it. If you are the target of racism, name it. You can document your experiences if it is safe and helpful to do so.
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How to Deal With Racism

Dealing with racism can be difficult and traumatic, and it's important to have a plan in order to ensure your safety and well-being. By taking the right steps and seeking help, you can protect yourself and stand up to any racism that comes your way. Here are some tips on how to deal with racism:

  • Understand and accept your feelings. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and don't be ashamed of how you feel.
  • Stay calm. Reacting to racism with more aggression will just lead to more violence and won’t solve the main issue.
  • Know your rights. Be aware of what you can and can’t do in the face of racism.
  • Speak up. Let those around you know that racism won’t be tolerated.
  • Report any instances of racism. If uncomfortable, reach out to a help center or other services available.
  • Take care of yourself. Avoid letting racism get to you and take whatever steps you need to feel better.
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