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How to Cope When You'll Never See Your Crush Again

Losing contact with someone that you had feelings for can be a difficult experience, but there are ways to cope and move on. Here are some tips to help you get through it.

  • Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling. You have a right to your emotions, so don’t suppress them. Take some time to really let yourself feel what you’re going through so you can begin the process of healing.
  • Talk it out. Sometimes we don’t want to talk about how we feel, but it can help. Reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist if you need to. It can also help to write out your thoughts in a journal.
  • Find ways to honor them. You can keep a memento of your crush if it feels right, or something that reminds you of them. Doing something like this can be a way to pay tribute to the experience and the time you spent together.
  • Do something that makes you happy. Doing things that make you feel good is an essential part of healing. Take some time to focus on yourself and do things that make you smile or laugh.
  • Give yourself time. Healing takes time. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take things one day at a time and know that you’ll get through this.
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How to Cope When You'll Never See Your Crush Again

A crush can make your life feel full of possibilities. When that person is suddenly no longer part of your life, it can be especially hard. Here are some tips to cope when you'll never see your crush again:

  • Focus on Yourself: Remember, this isn't the end of your life or your happiness. Spend time focusing on yourself and what will make you happy. Dedicate some time to take up a hobby that you've been wanting to try or reconnect with friends who make you laugh.
  • Replace Memorabilia: When we fall in love, we often feel inspired and take time to write love letters or make gifts for our crushes. If these items are still around, find ways to replace them with something else that brings you joy.
  • Take Time to Grieve: It's perfectly okay to be upset or cry. Take whatever time you need to process your emotions. Have a good cry, scream in a pillow, write out your feelings, or take some time away from your everyday life.
  • Talk with Someone: Find an understanding person to talk to about your situation. Whether it's a friend, family member, or counselor, having someone who will listen and offer advice can help you cope with your thoughts and feelings.
  • Live in the Moment: Ultimately, life is about the present and future, not the past. Stop dwelling on the person you lost and start to reimagine and redefine the life you want.
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