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How to Hide a Fart (Plus, How to Reduce Gassiness and Bloating)

Flatulence and bloating can be embarrassing, but there are ways to cover up the smell and reduce gas and bloating. If you feel a gaseous wave coming on, try one of the following strategies to mask the smell, quickly diffuse it, or reduce the amount of gas in your body.

Masking the Smell

  • Sprinkle pepper on the fart. The smell will be intermingled with the scent of the pepper.
  • Light a match or spray aerosol deodorizer.
  • Bite into a lemon or orange, squirt the juice, and quickly swallow it. The acidity should help mask the smell.

Diffusing the Smell

  • Open a window. A breeze can dissipate the smell quickly.
  • Fan the fart with your hand toward the floor.

Reducing Gas and Bloating

  • Cut back on gas-forming foods like beans, lentils, and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.
  • Eat smaller, frequent meals instead of two or three large ones.
  • Try taking an enzyme supplement, like one with bromelain and pancreatin, which can help break down undigested proteins.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages and caffeine.
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