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What Are Brownouts and Blackouts?

A brownout is a reduction in the voltage supplied by an electrical power source. This drop in voltage often occurs in regional electricity networks. Brownouts, also known as voltage sags, can cause fluctuations in the power supply, disrupting and sometimes damaging power-dependent equipment. A blackout, on the other hand, is a complete loss of power that can last from a few minutes to days or even weeks depending on the extent of the outage. Blackouts occur more frequently when supply is unable to meet the increasing demand, or when natural disasters or other disruptions cause infrastructure damage.

How Should You Prepare for Brownouts and Blackouts?

It is important to be prepared for both brownouts and blackouts. Here are a few steps to help you prepare:
  • Create an emergency plan outlining how you will respond if your power goes out. Identify your family’s needs during a blackout and create a plan to address these needs.
  • Implement energy-saving techniques in your home to help reduce the risk of brownouts, such as streaming video instead of downloading it, using LED lightbulbs, and unplugging electronics when not in use.
  • Invest in surge protection for your home's electric system and consider purchasing a generator in case of prolonged outages.
  • Store essential items such as flashlights, extra batteries, a first aid kit, food, and water for each family member.
  • Sign up for local alert systems to receive notifications about power outages.
  • Contact your local power company to report outages and check on estimated time for restoration.
Being prepared for unexpected brownouts and blackouts will help you and your family stay safe and secure.
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Understanding Blackouts and Brownouts

When electricity abruptly shuts off, it is referred to as a blackout. Blackouts are usually caused by a massive surge of energy or the failure of power lines or equipment. During a blackouts, all electricity in the area will be cut off.

A brownout is another type of outage, stemming from a power supply shortage. This causes the voltage to drop, which can make the lights dim and electronic equipment to struggle to function. Brownouts usually don’t lead to a complete loss of power, but they can come in waves and linger for longer periods of time.

Preparation for a Brownout or Blackout

Both blackouts and brownouts can be difficult to predict, so it’s important to be prepared. Here are some steps to take to ensure you’re ready in the event of a power outage:

  • Keep backup batteries and flashlights in your home in case the power goes out unexpectedly.
  • Keep an emergency kit with non-perishable food items, water, flashlights and other necessary supplies nearby.
  • Be sure to make copies of important documents and store them digitally and in a safe place.
  • Know ahead of time where your circuit breakers and fuse boxes are so you can shut them off if needed.
  • Check your refrigerator and freezer seals and clean them with warm soapy water so they will remain airtight during an outage.

By preparing ahead of time for a blackout or brownout, you can ensure your home is safe and secure during a power outage.

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