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How to Bleach Pants

Bleaching pants can be a great way to get that bright, light look. With a few simple steps, your pants will be looking new and brighter in no time!


  1. Create a bleach bath: Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and add one part bleach for every three parts water.
  2. Place pants in the bleach bath: Submerge the pants and make sure they are evenly covered by the bleach water.
  3. Soak for 15 minutes: Let the pants soak for 15 minutes, then agitate to ensure even coverage in the bleach bath.
  4. Rinse the pants in water : Remove the pants from the bleach bath and place in a separate sink or bucket filled with fresh water. Let the pants soak in the clean water for a few minutes.
  5. Wash and rinse the pants: Place the pants in the washing machine and run the cycle on the longest setting with your favorite detergent. Rinse twice to make sure all the bleach is removed.
  6. Dry the pants: Hang the pants up to dry. Sunlight can be especially helpful in helping the bleach set.
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How to Bleach Pants

Bleaching your pants gives them a distinctive look and coloration. To bleach your pants, you will need some protective gloves, bleach, and a washing machine. Follow these steps for the best results:

  1. Check the label on your pants to determine what fabric they are made of. Not all fabrics can be bleached safely, so make sure your fabric is suitable before proceeding.
  2. Put on the protective gloves before you start. Mix 1/4 of a cup of bleach per gallon of water. Fill your washing machine with the bleach-water mix.
  3. Add your pants to the mix and let them soak for between 5 and 15 minutes. Avoid letting them soak for too long or the bleach may damage the fabric.
  4. Wash the pants with regular detergent. Use the cold water setting and keep the cycle short.
  5. Remove the pants from the washing machine and allow them to air-dry.

When you are done, your pants should be bleached to the desired color. Be sure to never mix bleach with other cleaning chemicals as this can result in toxic fumes.

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How to Bleach Pants For a Faded Look

Bleaching your pants is an easy way to give them a worn, faded look. Follow the steps below to successfully bleach your clothes.


  • Put on rubber gloves and make sure to cover any surfaces around you that may be damaged due to the bleaching agent.
  • Mix a solution of equal parts bleach and water.If desired, add a few drops of dish detergent to the mixture. Make sure that you are using a chlorine-based bleach.
  • Soak the pants in a sink filled with the bleach solution for one to two hours.
  • Rinse off the pants with cold water.
  • Throw the pants in the washing machine and have them dried in the dryer.
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