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How to Become an Organized Student

Organization and planning are essential skills to have when you're a student. With the help of specific strategies, you can identify and stay on top of all your commitments and responsibilities, setting yourself up for success in both the short- and long-term. Implement the following steps and you’ll be a much more organized student.

  1. Break down large goals into smaller ones. When you have a large goal like finishing a project or essay, break it down into small, manageable chunks that you can complete closer to a timeline that works for you. This way, you can monitor your progress and have a sense of accomplishment as you work towards your larger goal.
  2. Create a “to-do” list. This can either be on paper or electronically, such as a file on your computer or notes app on your phone. List out your tasks for the day or week, and prioritize them from most to least important. You can also include how much time you plan to spend on each task. As you complete items, cross them off your list to give yourself a sense of satisfying progress.
  3. Manage your time. Time management is one of the most important skills to master as a student. Make sure to give yourself enough time to complete your tasks and don’t procrastinate. Some strategies that work are blocking certain areas of your day for certain activities, or dividing your tasks into one hour sections and giving yourself a break in between each one.
  4. Set up alerts. If you’re forgetful sometimes, set up reminders for yourself to alert you of upcoming due dates or important tasks you have to do. You can use a physical calendar or write it down on paper, use an app on your phone, or have your computer remind you. The more organized you become, the more helpful these reminders will be.
  5. Create a place to store all documents. Set up a filing cabinet or drawer to store course materials, notes, and any other documents that you use on a regular basis. That way you always know where it’s located and you don’t have to waste time looking for them.
  6. Eliminate distractions. Find an environment that has minimal distractions and eliminates noise. This will help you stay focused and be able to concentrate on completing your tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  7. Set a reward system. Establish a reward system for yourself to stay motivated, such as taking a break every few hours or after you finish an assignment. You can also set rewards for yourself after completing a major project or task, such as taking yourself out for coffee or getting yourself a small treat.

By incorporating some of these strategies into your daily routine, your process towards becoming an organized student will be a lot easier. Stick to the steps and you will find yourself becoming more productive and successful in everything you do.

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