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How to Attract a Capricorn Man As a Gemini Woman

If you want to capture a Capricorn man’s heart as a Gemini woman, you'll need to show stability and strength. Capricorns value dependability in relationships, and will be drawn to a sense of security and loyalty. While your Gemini traits may come through with some stimulating conversation and risk taking, putting your foot down, setting boundaries, and creating a safe environment is key.

Step 1: Show Stability

Capricorn men find comfort in stability and order, and appreciate a steady house, employment and relationship. Show your commitment by maintaining consistency in your lifestyle, job and environment. Signing a lease on a place and cutting ties with any tangible instability will give a Capricorn the sense of security they’re looking for. Making use of your Gemini curiosity by deepening conversations, and engaging in thought-provoking debates, will also appeal to them.

Step 2: Offer Support

Capricorns are hard workers and often have ambitious goals that they strive to achieve. Showing them tangible support for these goals is a reliable way to olive branch a Capricorn's trust. This doesn't mean rolling over and accepting their needs and wants as your own, but rather expressing appreciation for their work ethic and allowing them to be independent.

Step 3: Set Boundaries

Capricorns can be very guarded and may take some time before they feel comfortable letting you in. Setting limits on how far you’re willing to go, both mentally and emotionally, will create a sense of safety. Geminis’ naturally curious and open-minded nature may lead you to waver on issues. Being steadfast in this regard and exercising your independence, will let him see that you are strong and capable, and attract him accordingly.

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