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Create Drop Caps in Microsoft Word

Dropping your first letter to form an impressive visual effect is an excellent way to introduce text on a page. Not only does it make your writing stand out, it can do so in a subtle and stylish way. Here are the easy steps to creating drop caps in Microsoft Word:

  • Open the Microsoft Word document you would like to work with.
  • Highlight the letter you would like to be the drop cap.
  • Click the “Insert” tab located in the top toolbar.
  • Select the “Drop Cap” option found in the “Text” section.
  • Select the style of drop cap you would like to use.
  • Modify the distance between the drop cap and the other text on the page.
  • Click “OK” when you are finished making changes.

Once these steps are complete, you will have successfully created a drop cap in Microsoft Word. Use drop caps to make your writing more attractive and help the text flow easily for your readers.

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