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How to Season a Turkey

Giving your turkey a flavorful seasoning before cooking can make for an incredibly savory experience. By following these simple steps, you can create a delicious, flavorful turkey every time.


  1. Prepare the seasoning mixture. Start by making a blend of seasonings, such as sage, cloves, pepper, rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, and salt. Make sure to adjust quantities depending on how much you need.
  2. Mix together the softened butter and seasoning blend. Mash them together with a fork until you create a paste-like consistency.
  3. Rub your turkey with the seasoning paste. Make sure to get the mixture into any easy to miss areas, like the thighs and neck of the turkey.
  4. Place your turkey in a roasting pan and start cooking according to instructions. Baste your turkey with the juices and fat from the bottom of the pan every few hours.
  5. When your turkey starts to get golden brown and crispy on the outside, it’s ready to be removed from the oven. Let your turkey rest for 15 minutes before serving.
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